Homepage < History
Our company was founded on 27th of October 2005 with the aim of assisting construction works and modernization of railway infrastructure.
On the 10th of January 2006 we obtained our railway company certification. Gradually we managed to extend our activities to goods transportation. At the beginning we executed orders only within the boarders of Hungary but immediately after the market liberalization we started to move our operations over the boarders. Today we have experience in transporting goods to Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Germany, Netherlands, France, Italy, Ukraine, Montenegro, Greece etc.
In 2008 we already transported 5 times more than the year before, and 10 times more tons/km. In 2009 we doubled the tons of transported goods in 2008, and tripled the tons/km.
Even in full recession our growth continued in 2010 and in 2011 on of the biggest railway companies in Hungary. In 2011 we’ve assisted the most of infrastructural works. This was continued in 2012.

(photo: Vörös Attila, iho.hu)
In 2013 we’ve transported over 1,5 million tons of good and in 2014 we shook expectiation by a record 3,4 million tons. In 2015 we wanted to access the next level so by the end of the year we alreay operated our own freights in Croatia by opening and authorising our Zagreb branch.
We operate our own fleet, we have multiple types of wagons, our personel is qualified for any railoperation and are backed up by intervention and maintenance teams.

Our identity
Train Hungary assures the transport of goods in safe conditions, in a time schedule that is as short as possible in optimal tons and rentability parameters.
To accomplish our goals TH identifies with the following objectivs:
- the use of only the required number of wagons and locomotives in order to accomplish tasks,
- to rent rolling stock on short or long term if economical indicators give better result,
- the administration of our fleet in a manners that it would assure the minimum operationl costs and in the same time would mantain at high levels the reliability of our rolling stock,
- to organise our employees in such scope that our high standards of quality would always be garanteed,
- to ensure a financial efficiency that keeps the company financially independent and will finance all projects,
- maintenance, use and rent of rolling stock in order to provide the highest level of rentability of investments,
- elaboration of policies and procedures that are necessary to operate in ideal conditions to satisfy our clients requirements.
Train Hungary as a private operator in Hungary aims to be different and to abolish the everyday conservative attitude on this market. The key to success is a better communication, continuous exchange of information with partners, good collaboration between employees, computerization of information transfers within the company and strategic partners.
To seal deals with strategic partners, to get activily involved in discovering our clients needs are the paths that take us in better position than our compeetors both on national and international level.
Raising the quality of our services, an aggressive marketing policy, reduced answer time to requests, elasticity of solutions ensure our position on the European railway transport market.
The company made the difference between service categories in order to constantly lead the market.
Our informations gaining process aims to analyse the following:
- market specifications,
- company status,
- developement direction,
- expeditors attitude and number,
- understanding requests of possible clients,
- tough but fair competition on market

(photo: Pacsika Péter)
Train Hungary Magánvasút Kft strategy:
Having on mind that the specifics of Hungarian transports are greately influenced by the markets of neighboring countries the most important task is to analise cooperations conditions and to have daily contact with railway operators with interantional transports.
Of course it is not about a “one sided” relationship. Unlike other operators from Hungary we gained advantage thanks to quality and advantegous fares. We do transports that are going through Hungary, come in Hungary, go out of Hungary and as so we have experience with countries like: The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Ucraine, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Serbia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Kazakhstan etc.
Our aims are to investigate clients needs in these countries and also to reasearch new market opportunities.
The new tendency in Europe is to do a transport from A to B in 1-2 days. As we take this to heart after we accespt a request we consider we have 1-2 days to fulfill the order and finish transport.
Train Hungary is designed to give quality services in a very short time.